Author Bin Hwangbo M.D. and Jin-Soo Lee, M.D.
Place of duty Research Institute & Hospital, National Cancer Center, Goyang, Gyeonggi, Korea
Title Passive Smoking and Lung Cancer
Publicationinfo Cancer Research and Treatment 2003 Apr; 035(02): 90-95.
Key_word Passive smoking, Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), Lung neoplasm
Abstract Passive smoking is an important risk factor for lung cancer and its impact might be more significant than generally appreciated in Korea. We reviewed the literatures that support the biologic plausibility of Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) causing lung cancer and summarized epidemiological evidences. Because ETS

exposure is a preventable risk factor, more social efforts should be directed to reduce ETS exposure. (Cancer Research and Treatment 2003;35:90⁣95)